Unusual items left in Quebec Ubers: A sword, dentures and part of a shower head

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Quebec Uber drivers have seen their fair share of unusual items left behind by passengers. From a sword to dentures and even part of a shower head, these items have left drivers scratching their heads.

One Uber driver, who wished to remain anonymous, shared their experience of finding a sword in the backseat of their car. They stated that they were initially shocked and didn’t know what to do with it. They eventually contacted the passenger, who had forgotten the sword after a night out at a medieval-themed event.

Another driver, Jean-Luc, recalled a time when a passenger left behind a set of dentures. He stated that he was surprised to find them and immediately contacted the passenger to return them. The passenger was grateful and explained that they had taken them out during the ride and forgotten to put them back in.

But perhaps the most bizarre item left behind was part of a shower head. Driver Marie-Claire shared her story of finding the detached shower head in her car after dropping off a passenger. She stated that she was confused and couldn’t understand how someone could forget such an item. She later found out that the passenger had been renovating their bathroom and had taken the shower head with them in the car.

While these items may seem strange, they are just a few examples of the many unusual things that have been left behind in Quebec Ubers. Drivers have also reported finding items such as a wedding dress, a pet fish, and even a prosthetic leg.

Uber has a policy in place for lost items, where drivers can report the item and return it to the passenger for a small fee. However, some drivers have chosen to keep the items as souvenirs or donate them to charity.

So next time you take an Uber in Quebec, make sure to double-check that you have all your belongings before exiting the vehicle. You never know what you might leave behind.

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