Seven phrases to avoid when settling claims

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As insurance professionals, it is crucial to communicate effectively when settling claims. The words we use can have a significant impact on the outcome of a claim and the relationship with our clients. Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of the language we use and avoid certain phrases that may hinder the claims process. Here are seven phrases to avoid when settling claims:

1. “It’s not covered.” This phrase can be frustrating for clients to hear, especially if they were expecting coverage. Instead of using this phrase, it is better to explain the specific policy language that excludes the claim and offer alternative solutions.

2. “It’s not our fault.” Blaming others or deflecting responsibility can create tension and damage the relationship with the client. It is better to focus on finding a resolution and taking ownership of the situation.

3. “That’s not how it works.” This phrase can come across as dismissive and unhelpful. Instead, take the time to explain the claims process and provide guidance on what the client can expect.

4. “You should have known.” Placing blame on the client can be counterproductive and may lead to a dispute. It is better to approach the situation with empathy and offer solutions to prevent similar issues in the future.

5. “We can’t do that.” This phrase can make clients feel like their needs are not being considered. Instead, offer alternative options or explain why the request cannot be fulfilled.

6. “I’m not sure.” This phrase can make clients doubt the expertise and credibility of the insurance professional. It is better to take the time to research and provide a confident and accurate response.

7. “That’s not our policy.” While it is essential to follow company policies, using this phrase can make clients feel like they are not being heard. Instead, explain the reasoning behind the policy and offer solutions within the guidelines.

In conclusion, the language we use when settling claims can greatly impact the outcome and the relationship with our clients. By avoiding these phrases and communicating effectively, we can ensure a smoother and more positive claims experience for all parties involved.

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